
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Straight A's

My daughters are 11 and 8, both have better than 95% averages in school, and neither has less than a 90% grade in any class. This is what I call a Straight A student. Thank Goodness my wife has a Masters Degree in Education, I can stake no claim to my kids stellar academic performance. I personally graduated High School with an 80% average, and college with a whopping 2.0. In fact, I loved college so much, I spent an extra year at the bucolic St. Johns University Staten Island Campus. Ah academia….

Fortunately for me, my mediocre performance from a quantitative standpoint was not mimicked from qualitative standpoint, and somehow that 5 years at SJU gave me the necessary skills to decipher the analytics generated by the LocateStock platforms and turn those deciphered analytics into real bona fide (in my view) market commentary. As I have toiled away attempting to write insightful, interesting and easily readable common sense commentary in my daily newsletter, I have found it difficult. So, today I decided to take a look at the empirical performance of the stocks our data has highlighted, in the infant stages of this foray into a daily market info game, and the results were rather good. When I came in this morning, I decided that I can write all the wise-ass sarcastic shit I want, but if the data doesn’t deliver, there’s no reason to write about it. So, this morning I tasked my new intern Brandon, fine young Junior Ram from Fordham U, with pulling out all the stocks I highlighted in week 1 of The Daily Short Report. After documenting each short call, I had him track the performance from the day I recommended them through June 1. Most were even further memorialized on CNBC. I must admit, for the first time, the results of my work generated an "A". Yup, if you shorted each and every stock on the day I wrote about it and held it short through yesterday, the aggregate return for the 2 week holding period was over 90%, or in my book an "A". In a two week period where the major indices were down almost 12%, the favorite shorts flagged through LocateStock would have returned you over 90% for two weeks, that’s some seriously FAST MONEY...


So for today, no commentary--no wise cracks and fun facts; its like Joe Friday said, "Just the Facts." Here are the stocks and their individual performances:

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